April 12, 2005


Ch ch ch changes

So last night I decided to open another account at Typepad... I'm thinking that I am going to switch back to their service because DUDE, while I love the free-ness of Blogger, I liked the reliability of Typepad. I was also thinking about downloading WordPress because I've heard that rules the universe, but I don't really know enough scripting stuff and....I use two computers: GK's and my Mom's. I don't really have liscence to download stuff to either one. So, if you come here one day and go holy cow, it looks WAY different than it did yesterday, it's because I switched it! 

April 11, 2005

New Toys, (maybe) New Looks

Okay folks, I had exactly zero comments or e-mails trying to talk sense into me so..... I bought it. My portable dvd player is a Polaroid something something something (numbers, bleh) and it is pretty and shiny and silver and I love it. I've been watching the first season of ER on it (bought that the same day as the dvd) , but tonight I think I will take some actual movies with me to GK's house (where we're staying for the next couple of days). I also have all six seasons of Sex and the City in my Netflix Que, so as soon as Felicity finishes (only two discs left!) I'll start on those. Also I think I am way over Blogger. I miss TypePad. Okay for the record I enjoy being able to tweak my template as much as I want--I didn't like having to follow the formula of the Typepad ones.... but there are certain things I miss (being able to post movies and books and cds that I'm digging), the Amazon wish list easy link thing... I'm not going to switch any time soon, but I feel like it's time to switch around the look of this site again. Of course I've been surfing Blog Explosion lately and am seeing some really nice templates, so that probably has something to do with it. 

April 06, 2005

I want a new toyyyyyyy....

With all the time I'm spending at GK's house and all the time I spend waiting for GK to get off of work (which isn't really a huge or unreasonable amount of time by any means) it is getting harder and harder to talk myself out of buying a portable dvd player. Walmart has a niceish one for $147. I don't really have the excess fundage for it right now. I mean, I have the money in my bank account, but I don't really know if I can spare it with work hours being what they are (does anybody know of any freelance writing gigs available? I don't care what it's about, I just want to start WRITING dammit) I need to hoard my money as if the economy was about to crash....more. On the other hand, it would be a good investment:
  • I'd get more than my money's worth out of my Netflix: right now I'm paying the minimum for the three dvds at a time and it takes almost a month to go through the three dvds, at this rate Blockbuster is cheaper even with the gas it takes to drive there.
  • While I love reading, I can only read for so long before my brain just wants candy.
  • GK has a PS2 in his room, which does play dvds--however I will feel way more comfortable playing my mindless chick flicks (I'm going through a phase where my entertainment must be frivilous and soft hitting) if I can strap on the headphones and not get teased because he has to endure the noise from my movie also.
  • While sitting in the car after dark, waiting for GK to get off work (remember, I said the mall only has 15 stores and we're still keeping our datage on the down low just for gossip's sake), it would be FAR easier to watch a movie than try to read a book under the not so bright light of my book owl, and I wouldn't have to worry about draining the car battery by using the lap light.
  • I could use it to watch dvds while I'm on the computer at home and after everybody has gone to bed, without having to worry that I'm keeping the whole house awake.
  • I could use it on long car trips or long plane rides or any trip that involves a layover. I haven't been on one recently, but eventually I'll probably take a few.
  • When I bought my digital camera, I had less money in my bank account than I do now....but I also had more hours every week to build the account back up, so scratch that.
  • I really really really really want one.
What do you think? Cmon people give me some good reasons to NOT buy this thing! Of course by tomorrow you may be too late, but still! Help me be sensible! 

Same stuff, different channel

YES! My ads changed! Hooray! There really isn't a whole lot else to report or talk about today. I'm thinking of seeing a movie later. GK and I were supposed to spend the day hanging out, but then last night his boss decided that he wanted GK to work this afternoon. Bummer. This means that instead of a relaxing day at "home" (we're still at his house), I get to spend a not so relaxing day at the mall. The mall where we work is not even remotely entertaining. It has about 15 stores. So instead I'll probably go see my movie and then spend the rest of the afternoon sitting in the car and reading. Hmmm.... okay so my activity isn't going to be different (a relaxing day at "home" last time involved me spending the whole day reading while GK played Counterstrike on the computer), just my location is going to change. Such is life I guess! 

April 05, 2005

My life could never be a movie

Who knew peanut butter on whole wheat toast could be good? Not I! Normally I am the "oh look a loaf of white bread for eighty nine cents" girl, but today as I am not in my own house (GK and I are spending a few days at his house) I had to.... improvise... when my stomach shouted at me "Hey! Snack Time!" Normally when my stomach demands snacks I reach for the closest bag of chips. In GK's house this is usually do-able because his family are chip eaters too, but today all the chip bags seemed to be down to their last handfulls. I just will not eat the last handfull of a bag of chips in somebody else's house..... unless I bought the bag myself. It's that company manners thing I was raised with. So kiddies, I know the blog hasn't really been all that exciting lately. Here is what has gone on as of late in Erinland: Last Friday we went to see Sin City. I have vague memories of A Dame To Kill For because of a hideous stage show one of my fellow theater majors tried to put together (yes, he tried to do a stage adaptation of A Dame To Kill For. Yes, it SUCKED). The memories usually leave me in a puddle of laughter, because I remember how awful the show was and how many inside jokes for my school's theater department resulted from it. To this day I cannot hear the phrase "There was blood everywhere" without wanting to giggle. Other than those vague Dame memories, though, I really don't know anything about this comic series. I think that if I had read the series I would have liked the movie better. For me, though, it was just long and gory. It looked fabulous, so after a while I just sort of watched the cinematography and stopped trying to figure out the story. I also really liked that Alexis Bledel's character kept trying to protect her Mom. Was I the only one that wanted Lauren Graham to make an appearance? It would have been to perfect. Saturday was work. Sunday I spent the day watching Felicity on dvd with my Mom. I now have to figure out which television series to put into my Netflix que... Felicity is almost done and I have no idea what to watch next. I'm thinking of something I can watch with GK as he's been tortured with Felicity for the last three months. Yesterday I worked and then we came here, to GK's house. We watched a couple episodes of Las Vegas on dvd (he has the first season) and then went to bed. Exciting, yes? Oh PS: Lean Cuisine Skillet Sensations Garlic Chicken and Pasta is SO YUMMY. Go buy some and eat it right now! 

April 04, 2005

Dear Whoever Is In Charge Of The Weather

Okay, um... I know that the rain is one of the reasons I really looked forward to moving back up here (who doesn't miss the rain when they live in a desert), but serioulsy oh Weather Gods, it's time to move it along. 1) It's been rainy for quite a while now and it's really mean that you give us a few days of a "false spring" when we pull out the warm weather wear, only to shove us back into freezing cold and wet just as we've acclimated to the spring-like temperatures. 2) I think most of us are tired of wearing layers. Okay, I'll probably still wear at least two because even in summer I stay at a pretty chilly temperature internally, but two is better than four or five right? 3) I'm starting to feel so claustrophobic that I have taken to leaving my bedroom window open at night and then burrowing under a down comforter just to have some fresh air on my face. Even the most aired out of rooms feels stuffy and suffocating to me now. 4) While I refuse to ever be caught wearing a pair of capris (short people and capris just do not mix), I did buy a few pairs of khaki pants right before I found out that my boss wouldn't care if I wore jeans to work, and I'd like to wear them at least enough to get my money's worth. Wearing Khaki pants in this weather would just be stupid. and finally, 5) Do you really want to give people an excuse to say "April showers bring May flowers"? Seriously. 

April 01, 2005

Here Comes The Sun do do do do do

Okay, remember when I said I was such a fall person?? Well..... I think I'm ready for spring to arrive. I'm getting a bit fed up with cold and more cold and biting cold and holy god it's coldness. Now I really am a sweater and jeans kind of person. I swear. However I am happiest when I don't need to lug a big ol' coat around. My coat wants to hibernate! Bring on the sun!