April 06, 2005
Same stuff, different channel
YES! My ads changed! Hooray!
There really isn't a whole lot else to report or talk about today. I'm thinking of seeing a movie later. GK and I were supposed to spend the day hanging out, but then last night his boss decided that he wanted GK to work this afternoon. Bummer. This means that instead of a relaxing day at "home" (we're still at his house), I get to spend a not so relaxing day at the mall. The mall where we work is not even remotely entertaining. It has about 15 stores. So instead I'll probably go see my movie and then spend the rest of the afternoon sitting in the car and reading.
Hmmm.... okay so my activity isn't going to be different (a relaxing day at "home" last time involved me spending the whole day reading while GK played Counterstrike on the computer), just my location is going to change.
Such is life I guess!
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