March 29, 2005

A Whole Lotta Nothin

Holy Cow, today the weather here has been more moody than me at that time.... you know the time I'm talking about. It's been Sun! Rain! Sun! Rain! The coulds would burn off and I'd go "hey, cool maybe I'll walk to the store for some snacks" and by the time I found my debit card and shoes, it would be no-holds-barred-pouring. Welcome to an Oregonian spring! Two weeks of sunny and warm weather then days of downpour unrivalled except maybe by Seattle. Is it me or have the Google Ads been a bit boring lately. Coin Op Laundry? What is that about? I kind of miss the one for salad recipes! Let's see if I can spice this up: Art! Web hosting! html code! Shoes! DVDs! It's hard to resist the urge to go turrets on myself and just type any old word that comes to mind. Although I do wonder what banana fudgey mud puddle frog dancing staplers post-its clog jumping art bowling shopping racquetball skipping car pricing will do for my ad variety. I realize that I've talked about food quite a bit lately, namely one particular combo, but have I mentioned the yumminess that is the toasted bagel/turkey sandwich? Yummmmmmmmm. I've been watching Murphy Brown all day and it's been great. I love that lady. I think she and Maxine Gray might be a couple of my favorite television characters of all time. Okay that's all for now, your faithful blogger, over and out.