March 31, 2005

What time is it?

So how much time does my boyfriend spend on the computer, you ask? Why, enough time for me to start and finish a 350 page novel. That's how much. I'd complain, but it gives me great teasing material....especially since two and a half hours ago he said "okay I think I'm almost done with this game, I'm going to take my shower in a couple of minutes and then we'll go." and I just NOW sat down. In the future his wife will say "Our daughter's recital is at FIVE. Do NOT be late," and he will show up at 7:15. This will be okay because his wife knows his comic inability to judge time and the recital will not actually start until 7:30. I tease out of love people, out of love. And out of gratuity that I had the intuition to buy two books for my stay at his house.