March 16, 2005

Ugh, I jumped.

So I've made some changes to my template but right now Java is acting funky, so it might be a little while before you get to see them. There isn't anything very major, I just took a link down and.....added the Google AdSense stuff. Yeah, I jumped on the AdSense bandwagon. Normally I wouldn't have. I'm not really out to use my blog to make money, but the hours at work have been horrendous because nobody is buying anything (hey you! GO SHOPPING!!) right now, so I figured that it couldn't hurt to put the ad thing up and maybe earn a little extra money. Now I have no overly inflated ideas about this site. I know that checks from Google aren't about to come rolling in by the truckload (although that would be nice), but if you aren't terribly opposed to clicking on those ads (once you can see them), it would totally help me out. And for the record: this is as close as I will ever get to asking anybody for money. Stupid economy. So go my lovelies! Click away once you can see them if you aren't fundamentally opposed to doing so!