March 17, 2005

Seinfeld, you've got some competition

Oh the hold my blog has over me. This morning, at around 8:30 I woke up and thought "I must blog." I had no idea what to write about, just this amazing urge to write. Maybe it was inspiration. Maybe the Actifed-induced medicine headiness of my brain (I had woken up at 4 muchly needing to breathe) woke me up and said "Hel-lo, you have the perfect quietness of me to write right now, GET UP LAZY!" So I rolled over, pulled the covers up to my chin, accidentally whacked my face on GK's elbow (I'm not that short, he was sleeping with his arms under his head, I swear) and went back to sleep. This, my brain would not have. It woke me up again at 8:45, 9:00, 9:30 and kept me awake until I finally rolled out of my comfy exact-right-warm-ness bed, donned some sweats and came to sit in front of the computer. Of course, I couldn't think of a thing to write, so I surfed blogs for about an hour and then checked my stats (thanks for the link Kirsten!). Now here I sit before a blinking cursor. I've managed to type many characters in, mostly about nothing. Seinfeld would be proud. Oh! And I FINALLY listened to the new Green Day CD... GK bought American Idiot a couple of days ago and we've been listening to it in the car. Right now it is sitting next to me, waiting to be burned. Of course Green Day deserves the four cents they'd get in royalties from me buying their cd, but well.... stupid economy. And lastly before I stop typing (especially since this could be an interesting post for tomorrow if I can't come up with anything good), does anybody know how to code those link lists that typepad does for their users? You know, the ones where you can type in the ISBN of a book or the Amazon ID number of a movie or CD and then a pretty little thumbnail of the book/cd/dvd cover is displayed in a sidebar on your site? It is one of the things I miss most about typepad, and as I am learning html sloooooooooooooooooowly, I was wondering if anybody had an easy way for me to program such lists into my template? I kind of miss displaying what I'm reading, etc. And yes, I would have even displayed the Hilary Duff cd :) (I normally dont' do smilies in a blog post, but figured this time I'd make an exception.)