March 15, 2005

The Couple that Plays Together......

Okay we've not quite yet been together for three months, but happily so, we're already starting down that road to Old Married Couple. Case in point: I can't remember the last time we went to sleep after midnight. To some of you people who have normal grown-up jobs, this may seem like no big deal. We, however, are void of grown-up employment (mall workers, you know how it goes) and are both decidedly night people. Midnight used to be the time that my brain started to function. Now it is the time when it goes "hey, better wind down because you'll be asleep soon." There is no rule that says we have to go to sleep at the same time. He doesn't pout if I decide to stay up later than he does. He doesn't whine if I get back up when I can't sleep. But....isn't it nice to curl up with somebody you truly care about and just relax on your way to dreamland? When it comes right down to it, as much as I love my blog, I can adjust to updating it in the morning when I get up. I wonder if, over time, my brain will start functioning better in the A.M. Let's hope so because as I sat here this morning I couldn't come up with a single thing to blog about. Oh and my favorite question from the last couple of weeks: "So....did you start a secret blog? What's it's address?" Hmmm...... kind of defeats the purpose of secret really. And do not fret dear readers, I have not forsaken you to go post anon. Perhaps I should change my tagline from "Subtle As A Tank" to "Infrequently Updated." Thanks to my regulars who keep checking back in. I love you guys! Oh. P.S.... have I mentioned that he came down with a cold over the weekend and now....well.........yeah. The Couple that Plays Together......gets sick together. Perhaps we can get a bulk rate discount on advil and sinus stuff?